12 Keywords Every Marketer Should Know

12 key words (1)

It goes without saying that the pen is mightier than the sword and the words that we put out there have a power to them, intended or not. In marketing, the words you choose and how you use them will define the success or failure of any marketing campaign you enact. Here is a list of the 12 keywords that will help you generate more leads and earn the trust of your clients:

Marketing is all about appealing to the audience to entice them into purchasing one of your products or using your services. A simple way to make that clear is by using the word “you” as much as possible. It can be extremely tempting to use what little space you have to sing the praises of your company, but using the word ‘you’ better helps your audience to visualize themselves in the scenario you are proposing. This, in turn, increases their purchasing odds.

Have you ever noticed that whenever you are purchasing something you are often reminded of its value, reinforcing that you are getting a great deal even if the item is not on sale? While the features and benefits of a product or service are important, most customers care the most about the value of something and how it will help them achieve their objections. For those involved in the B2B market make it clear how your service or offering will create value for your prospect’s business.

If you find yourself dealing with criticisms or objections and find yourself wanting to insert a “but” use “and” instead. Seen as very inclusive, using “and” acknowledges criticism without steamrolling over a problem, making you seem like you are agreeing even when you are disagreeing.

In The Empire Strikes back Yoda utters the famous phrase “Do or Do not, there is no try” to Luke Skywalker, and he may have been on to something. “Do” is the new “try” in the marketing world and it makes you seem competent and trustworthy, aspects your leads will respond positively to.

In most negotiations, you present your client with an offer, to which their either accept or reject. If you present them with a couple of different variations and throw in the word “or” you increase your odds of receiving some form of a yes, especially if you have gone through revisions to the previous contract. Instead of asking if they would like to sign the contract, ask if Version A or Version B is preferable. 

Should we?
When meeting with a prospective client it is easy to go in aggressively promoting how much they need your services and how everything they currently do is wrong. This aggression usually manifests in the phrase “you should” which can come off as arrogant and presumptive. Instead, reformulate your suggestions into questions like “should we?” which will encourage leads to keep an open mind.

This might seem like an obvious choice, but using “imagine” in your marketing copy subconsciously instructs your audience to do just that. The product or service you are marketing takes on a deeper meaning as your leads picture themselves living this better future.

Sensory Words
Sensory words like see, show, and hear are all attention grabbing because they evoke a sense. They act as visual, auditory and kinesthetic triggers and make people feel something right then and there.

A Person’s Name
Marketing at its base is extremely impersonal, but by adding something as simple as a name it can change the feel of an email or presentation. Using someone’s name makes them feel like they are the focus of your attention and they will respond in a positive manner.

Power Words
Much like sensory words, there are words in the English language meant to provoke strong feelings. Words like agony and despair may seem like a gross exaggeration, but they really help to invoke the proper feelings in your audience. Sprinkling a few power words like these will propel your audience into the mindset you want them to have, and where your product or service is the answer.

Most people shy away from using “because” in a sentence, but in situations where you are asking someone to do something, it is the perfect bridge to the reason why. It is important that anytime you are asking for someone to do something on your behalf you take the time to explain why you’d like them to take these or do these actions.

You are always going to run into problems in everything you do and just because they are inevitable it doesn’t mean that you have to acknowledge them as a problem. “Problem” has such a negative connotation and when used it can make your prospects feel like the process is difficult and unpleasant. The phrase “I understand the problem” becomes “I see an opportunity to make this run more smoothly” and the situation lightens.

If you are interested in learning more about using words as weapons of lead generation, click on the banner below to schedule your free 30-minute call with us.


